Brrrr. It's cold outside. And if your vehicle's heater isn't working, then it's cold inside too. No fun – and potentially dangerous: heat is needed to defrost your windshield.&...
Do you know what gas makes up 20.9% of the air we breathe? It's oxygen. Oxygen is an important part of the combustion process that enables your engine to make power. The amount of ox...
When you head out to your vehicle after it's been parked and notice oil leaking underneath it, that's something to have looked at right away. Oil leaks mean your oil level is probably low, and r...
Modern vehicles usually have four wheels, a steering wheel, and an engine, just as they have for decades. But an awful lot has changed since the days of carburetors and drum brakes. The ad...
It happens – a part on your vehicle breaks or just wears out. The replacement part is very important. You want it to last and perform like new. That’s why your NAPA AutoCare Ce...
Some drivers don't worry at all about their vehicles and neglect taking them in for service. Here are six warning signs that it's time to head over to your NAPA AutoCare Center and get things ch...
There are some things Advanced Repair, Inc. customers should know about automotive service and repair in Saint Cloud. First and foremost, Advanced Repair, Inc. cares about you and your family's safety...
You wouldn't walk into a different dentist's office every time you needed a tooth looked at. You wouldn't pick out someone at random every time you needed your hair cut. And on Tax Day?&nb...